We have been fostering with ACS for two and a half years. I used to manage a fleet of coaches, and continue to manage properties and sell motor vehicles on a small scale.
Becoming a foster career was initially because I wanted to fulfill my father’s dream. He had lost his mother at birth and then his father at the tender age of six.
Fostering is a job that allows me to learn and practise patience, and give back to the community.
The emotional challenge one faces with a foster child can be somewhat demanding at times, but we have received the right level of support from ACS, which is fantastic.
My proudest moment was when the child I care for told me, “This is my family now and you’re my father.”
I have learnt through my fostering career that there are so many children who need special people to provide them with care, but they are just not in abundance, so many children are losing out on being able to lead happy and fulfilling lives.