Karen Campbell

Working as a social worker and youth worker, there were particular children and young people that I felt I could care for with my family. The opportunity arose when the company I worked for lost the tender for the services we provided.
I have found ACS, to be a child-focused agency. Their Skills to Fostering training really impressed me, particularly the testimonials from young people about their positive experiences being cared for by ACS carers. I also joined ACS because of their faith-based referrals. I believe that following a faith is very helpful to children and young people.
The support from supervising social workers and their line managers is excellent and they try their best to support carers needs and ensure we have the training, advice and guidance we need, so that we can provide the best care we can.
My proudest moment as a foster carer was seeing one of the young people I fostered growing in confidence and playing the lead in her school play.